Illinois Prescription Drug Possession

Prescription drugs fall under the Illinois Controlled Substance Act. the law categorizes different types of substances based on their potential to become harmful, addictive, and abused. the most serious offenses are under Category I, which tend to be illegal street drugs, however, Prescription Medications are outlined by the law in Categories II through IV.

Just like illegal street drugs, a person’s penalty for possessing the drugs without a prescription is based mainly upon the amount of substance, or the number of pills possessed. Possessing prescription drugs can be charged as a Class 4 felony punishable by 1 to 3 years in the penitentiary, or, for delivery or sale of larger amounts of the prescription medications a non-probationable Class X felony with a minimum of 6 years in the penitentiary.

The possession of a single pill of Vicodin, Xanax, Valium, Codeine, Oxycontin, Adderall, Ketamine, Anabolic Steroids Possession Charges, and other prescription medications can be charged as a felony offense. a person can also be charged with giving their prescription medications to friends or other people who don’t have a valid prescription. Further, there can also be charges for a forged prescription, altered prescription, fraudulently obtained prescription, or stolen prescription pad. the arrests and charges are very serious, and if you are arrested for a prescription medication related offense you will need a lawyer that has experience in this area of law.

All prescription drug cases are different, and need to be analyzed by a criminal defense attorney to review whether the arrest is valid, if the search that led to the arrest was valid, or if the evidence is more than circumstantial. Over the last 40 years the drug laws have changed, and David S. Olshansky & Associates has followed those changes and have countless amounts of experience with these types of charges.

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