Jessie Jackson Jr. Officially Charged

Posted on February 16, 2013

In Federal Criminal Law yesterday, February 15, 2013, the United States Attorney’s Office in Washington D.C. officially charged Jessie Jackson Jr. with using his campaign funds for personal use, and conspiracy to commit wire fraud, mail fraud and making false statements.

Jessie Jackson Jr. was a Member of the U.S. House of Representatives. the current salary for a member of the House is $174,000. Which begs the biggest question we all need to consider, Mr. Jessie Jackson Jr. stole around $750,000 from his campaign fund, a fund that had much more money in it then the three quarters of a million; Why do we as a country allow individuals to collect millions of dollars to try and get a job that pays less than $200,000. Jessie Jackson was buying gold Rolexes, hats that belonged to Michael Jackson including a $4,200 fedora, a $5000 autographed football, and, our personal favorite, a $800 cape. Last year when there was an announcement that he was under investigation Mr. Jackson checked himself into a hospital and started receiving treatment for depression. You can’t blame a person for becoming depressed when the FBI is investigating you for stealing $750,000 and looking to put you into the penitentiary.

The criminal law charges yesterday were a mere formality, Mr. Jackson Jr. had already entered into a plea agreement with the United States Attorneys Office and eventually the Court will determine exactly how much time Mr. Jackson will have to spend in the penitentiary.

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